Gummy Quality Control Equipment

In an industry where public trust is essential, quality control is critical. Pharmaceutical manufacturers must adhere to strict quality standards to ensure their products’ safety and efficacy and protect their reputations. 

Sound quality control processes help to ensure that all of your gummy products meet the necessary standards before they are released to the market. This helps to ensure that only safe and effective products reach store shelves and that any that are potentially defective are removed before packaging.

At Gummy Technologies, we supply a range of high-performing quality control solutions for your in-house or contracted pharmaceutical manufacturing team. From water activity meters to tray washing equipment, use our solutions to equip your facility with the means to assure product quality with confidence at the final stages of your production cycles.

Our Quality Control Solutions:

RC90.18.2G2 – Rapid Gummy Channel Counter

Our 18 Channel Counting System features a dual-lane conveyor for scalable, rapid counting. This also enables more streamlined packaging for filling by quantity and anticipating future production needs.

Learn More About the Rapid Gummy Control Solution

Water Activity Meter

Handheld water activity meter (WAM) capable of accurately providing an aW reading for gummy products within a matter of minutes along with easy portability. Perfect for monitoring the drying process and verifying quality before packaging. A simple interface and intuitive controls enables quick deployment for nearly any production setting.

Learn More About the Water Activity Meter

Automatic Tray Washer

The Automatic Tray Washer is the automatic solution for tray cleaning. The tray washer uses high-pressure pumps to send heated water to multiple spray nozzles that blast away gummy residue as the tray is conveyed on an all-stainless chain.

Learn More About the Automatic Tray Washer

Why Invest in Pharmaceutical Quality Control Equipment for Gummies?

Fill Containers More Accurately

One frequent issue with product weight is that it often fluctuates. The product’s weight might be different depending on its water content or other factors. This can make it difficult to predict how much of the product will be needed to fill a package, leading to over- or under-production. In contrast, filling a package by quantity provides a more accurate measure, making it easier to forecast production needs. This can save time and money by reducing waste and ensuring that customers receive the correct amount of product.

Identify Where Correction Is Needed

Miscalculated system settings can often cause product defects during manufacturing. For example, gelatin has a different melting point than other vegan alternatives for gummy bases. If there is a perceived or known defect across an entire batch, this could indicate that settings on your production equipment need to be readjusted to restore product quality.

Remove Contaminated Products from the Production Line

Contamination can occur at any stage in the manufacturing process, from raw materials to finished products. As a result, strict quality control measures and professional-grade equipment are essential to prevent contaminated products from reaching the consumer. In addition, manufacturers can employ visual inspection to identify potential problems such as discoloration or damaged/incomplete individual product units.

Prevent Future Safety Risks

Contamination is not always readily apparent. Microbial growth can escalate over some time and may not spoil a product until it has already reached the shelves; posing a danger to consumers. By using a professional water activity meter, you can measure the aW levels of your gummies to ensure that they will not expire prematurely.

Learn More About Our Quality Control Equipment

Our team at Gummy Technologies strives to serve as the perfect partner for all your gummy manufacturing, packaging, and quality control needs. All of our products are 100% designed and produced in the USA from our Phoenix, AZ headquarters to ensure superior performance quality. To help you get the most out of your investment in your quality control equipment, we also offer pharmaceutical support and training services for your manufacturing team.

Want more information or have any questions about our gummy quality control equipment? Contact us anytime to speak with one of our expert gummy engineers.

Related:  5 Quality Control Concerns for Gummy Vitamin Manufacturers